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We do not participate with twitter of facebook. But feel free to tweet about this page. Or put a link to this page on your facebook page, if you have one.
When a webpage has a facebook-button, the website sends a message with the page and your ip-number to facebook. With a twitter-button, twitter gets that information. Facebook and twitter have vast datafiles linked with your ip-number. Facebook knows more about you, than the NSA knows about the most wanted terrorist.
And Google? Almost every website has google-analytics. (Not this site !) Via google analytics lots of data about your activities on the internet and your webpage visits is send to Google. Google is not better than facebook.
I do not participate with facebook, twitter et cetera because of the privacy-violations and the anti-social behavior of this kind of media. Anti-social media stimulate autistic and narcissistic behavior.
Andreas Firewolf, english site
Nul-A Computers, webhosting en website ontwikkeling met eigen CMS.