If you want to use this site,
you need to give us permission to put cookies on your computer.
What are cookies ?
Cookies are little text-files with information.
With this information companies can gather data about your browsing.
We do not use cookies and we are against them.
Unfortunately cookies is necessary for advertisements of Google et cetera.
Promote us !!!
Do you like this page? Promote it !!!
We do not participate with twitter of facebook. But feel free to tweet about this page.
Or put a link to this page on your facebook page, if you have one.
No like-button or of twitter-button
When a webpage has a facebook-button, the website sends a message with the page and your ip-number to facebook.
With a twitter-button, twitter gets that information.
Facebook and twitter have vast datafiles linked with your ip-number.
Facebook knows more about you, than the NSA knows about the most wanted terrorist.
And Google? Almost every website has google-analytics. (Not this site !)
Via google analytics lots of data about your activities on the internet and your webpage visits
is send to Google. Google is not better than facebook.
I do not participate with anti-social media
I do not participate with facebook, twitter et cetera because of the privacy-violations and the anti-social behavior of this kind of media. Anti-social media stimulate autistic and narcissistic behavior.
People get crazy
If you eat food all day and all night without digesting it, your physical body gets sick. With electronic media you put mental food in your mental body. If you do that all day and all night, without digesting it, your mental body (your mind) becomes sick. In the past 15 years we have seen how people get more and more crazy every day.
Get out !!!
Quit with electronic media. Look at your email once or twice a day. Quit with Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp et cetera. Stop the pollution of your mental body.
When a mother publishes a photo on her own facebook page of herself while breastfeeding her child, the photo will be removed by facebook.
A naked breast is considered obscene by facebook. At the same time facebook accepts payment for an advertisement with
a photo of a black woman firing a gun, with the intention to cause racial strife and perhaps civil war.
Do you want to be associated with such a company?
Or do you close your facebook account?